SPARK: Conversations by Children's Healthcare Canada

Getting the Message Across: Clear Communications during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Children's Healthcare Canada Season 2 Episode 5

Misinformation and even disinformation are not new concepts in science. This has been evident during the COVID-19 pandemic while the world has monitored, shared, and re-shared information on the spread of the virus, public health restrictions, and immunization. Recently, the COVID-19 discussion has become even more emotionally charged with a vaccine available for some children in Canada. Unfortunately, we can see that the skills required for critical consumption of evidence appear lacking in many areas. We live in a world driven by metrics, and unfortunately, headlines are often misleading, and people share information without reading the full text or confirming the accuracy of the information. Uncertainty, discomfort, and mistrust are lingering as Canadians are having difficult, divided conversations with their loved ones around the dinner table, on the phone, and on Zoom. To combat this, Dr. Krishana Sankar and the team at ScienceUpFirst focus on the clear and accurate distribution of scientific evidence. On this episode of SPARK: Conversations, we sit down with Dr. Sankar to discuss the importance of simple, clear, and up-to-date evidence distribution, and how to do so effectively.